Biodanza Sunday morning class at 11am on the second and fourth Sunday of every month, starting from Jan 10th 2016, in the city centre Dance Studio at 14 Sackville Place, D1. I will also occasionally advertise other Biodanza events here also, so please check in.
My wish for 2016 is that we can grow the level of interest and participation in Biodanza and get the word out to those interested. With regular participants, we can create a strong group together, journeying deeper into Biodanza and reaping the rich benefits of integration and transformation in our lives.
Come along and experience the joy and transformative power of dance for yourself! You'll leave the class feeling more alive, more joyful, and with a greater sense of connection with yourself, the other dancers and the world.
Biodanza is a system of personal transformation through dance. It utilises movement and music to engage with our authentic emotions and facilitate their expression in a supportive group environment.
We dance to world music, and each Biodanza class (called a vivencia) is structured to explore a specific theme of development. Over time, through weekly classes, we progressively overcome unhelpful conditioning, becoming more integrated and more open to life and love through authentic connections with oneself, with another, and with the group.
The benefits of regularly attending a Biodanza class include:
Feeling more joyful and alive - Developing a healthy sense of self - Increasing your capacity for deeper connections with self and others - Exploring the nature of relationships - Increasing your resilience in life.
There are no steps to learn - the dances are demonstrated, and are based on the ability of movement to transform our lives: physically, emotionally, and psychologically, from our innate positivity. You do not have to be a dancer to enjoy Biodanza – it is open to adults of any age and level of fitness, for those who love to dance and for those who would like to transform their beliefs around not being able to dance.
Biodanza, the ‘Dance of Life’, comes from ‘bio’ meaning ‘life’ and ‘danza’ from the French, meaning ‘integrated movement with meaning’. As a system of human development and integration, each Biodanza class is designed to create a safe space where we deeply connect with and express our potentials of health, wellbeing and happiness. This has a wonderfully restorative healing effect on our whole selves.
The Biodanza system originated in the vibrant culture of South America. It was created by Dr Rolando Toro Araneda, a psychologist, anthropologist and nobel peace prize nominee who was passionate about the sacredness of life and our need to restore unity between humanity and nature. Through extensive research across a wide variety of global cultures, he studied indigenous ceremonies of healing, integration and liberation, and noticed the central role that dance played within them.
“We have to re-establish the original concept of dance in its broadest form, as natural movement full of meaning and with the unusual power of inducing transformations in life” – Rolando Toro
From his observations he created the dances of Biodanza, each with their own integrative purpose, and refined these over time to develop the current system. Biodanza has an empirical and scientific basis, and draws inspiration from biology, anthropology, psychology and etiology (the study of origins of disease).
“Biodanza is a system embracing the totality of human life. Biodanza is basically a re-education in love” – Rolando Toro
He was still teaching this “medicine for living” and dancing himself at the age of 85. He died in February 2010. Biodanza is offered as a system of personal development and creating community in more than 80 countries across all 5 continents.