Come Together Vancouver Club

Vancouver, Canada
6598 Members

This is a group for people in Vancouver who want a fun, safe, multicultural and comfortable environment for practicing English, other languages and for participating in events and activities. We think it is important for Internationals to connect with Canadian friends, so we will be inviting along Canadians that are interested in learning about your cultures as well.

We will provide tips on important newcomer issues (Security, Housing, Transportation, Canadian Education, Jobs, Workshops, Networking events, Adventures, etc.) and learn more about this amazing country and city; it's culture, it´s music, it´s people, it´s food and it´s drinks. :-)

What we love to do <br>✓ English Conversation Practice. <br>✓ International Language & Culture Exchange. <br>✓ Meet new people & Make new friends. <br>✓ Random Board Games. <br>✓ Hiking, Tours & Adventures by professionals. <br>✓ Canadian Education, labor & Immigration Info Sessions by certified consultants. <br>✓ Business & Job opportunities in Vancouver. <br>✓ Karaoke & Jam. <br>✓ Outdoor Yoga, Zumba & Dancing lessons. fit. <br>✓ Dine & Drink! <br>✓ Dance & Party! <br>✓ VIP events and much more...!

[For more details, dates, times and applicable fees please read carefully every event's description].

If you have any type of question, would like to be part of our team, Advertise your Business through our Networks and/or simply become a VIP CT Member, please send a message or contact in person the organizer Esteban Marquez (Steve).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: <br>Please ALWAYS Respect others (You will be removed from the Club immediately for any type of misbehavior). <br> <br>Please provide a real name and picture of you. <br>We love to take care of your safety! :)

Our Club is one of the most popular speaking and activity Clubs in Vancouver with over 5,100 members, friends and business partners.

JOIN US TODAY IS FREE! Invite your friends and let us make your experience in Canada Unforgettable! :-)

Like Us on Facebook: is proud to be the official administrator of Come Together Vancouver Club in the beautiful city of Vancouver.


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