Contra Dance in Atlanta

Decatur, United States
1470 Members

There are over 100 people Contra Dancing in Atlanta every FRIDAY Night !!

We've got: 
           Live music                                                        *** different band each week
                      Friendly people                                       *** all ages and backgrounds
                             Lots of Fun,  and only $10...        *** just $5 for students

Here are some YouTube videos that show Atlanta area dances:

with Elftones, Dancing-Tigers, New-Years, Great Lizards, Enthusiasts...

...and even Atlanta dance leaders/callers sharing the fun with other cities:

Washington, St. Louis (Rollin' & Tumblin'), Asheville (Summer Soiree), Flagstaff

Drive over and see what we're talking about, or visit for more details.

Who will you meet at the Contra dances? 
ALL kinds of people...  We have teachers, lawyers, landscapers, professors, real estate pros,
college students, computer programmers, home school groups, free spirits, deep thinkers,
and in general, "regular folks" ... plenty of  friendly people having fun dancing each Friday.

So, if YOU want to skip the hype & hassle of the bars, with less cost than concerts or even a movie
... meet plenty of "real" people, learn to dance and have more fun than 80% of Atlanta, then
drive over to the Contra Dance on Fridays... and you'll be smiling for hours!!

Hope to see you there ! 

...and remember to get there at 7:30pm for the warm-up lesson.

BONUS: A few times per year, we even have 3-day dance weekends, with multiple bands and over 200 people...

Music for Contra Dance weekends can include anything from Celtic and Rock to trance electronica below:, you can have fun with music & dancing every Friday, and then join us for big, three-day, weekend parties with almost non-stop fun, top-notch tunes and plenty of dance moves!


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