Sunnyvale South Indian Dance

Sunnyvale, United States
28 Members

(Women only! For now. This might change in the future.)

(Organized by Anu - meetup member) 

What are we?

Choreography/dance for Indian music, focussing on old and new South Indian music (Tollywood, Kollywood), but also some latest Bollywood hits! We'll pick 3 songs or so and create a medley and practice the routine until we can perform it. We can pick outfits and record the final performance and upload to Instagram (eg. Bollyshake) and Youtube. 

Who should join?

Women that are interested in dance and have good dancing skills (for now, we are keeping memberships open only for women, but this might change later). If you like to choreograph, that's great too! We can assign a song to you for doing so! Preferably you live close to Sunnyvale so you can meet consistently - as you know dance routines stick only if you practice consistently! 

Where will we meet?

We have a small venue in Sunnyvale close to El Camino Real & S Bernardo Ave that can fit about 5-8 people per session. If there is more interest, we can look into a bigger venue.

When will we meet?

We'll start off 1x/week for now. If there is more interest we can do multiple sessions a week. 

What should we bring?

Just a water bottle! Leave everything else in your car.

How much is it?



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