Anyone can join!
The Healing Art of laughter is an approach between laugh yoga, dance, and meditation. Join one of the best feelings in the world, 
the deep-rooted belly laugh.
Smile, Laugh, Dance and live longer!
"When you laugh, your mind stops! No mind-no trouble-no suffering. The only teaching is laughing and dancing. When there is a problem- laugh it away! When all the problems resolve, what remains is the laughter!" Papaji- Pujaji
"Laughter is liberating, frees you from the inside. The conscious use of Laughing at the human condition and thought patterns is an immediate liberation from the thought itself.
Awakening is not a serious business" Eckhart Tolle
This is an open class every
Every Friday
11:45- 13:00 -----SAAL 2
DOCK11 Studios
Kastanienallee 79 ----10435 Berlin
please contact for further questions or requests
Just after The healing art of laughter there is Yin- Restorative yoga class
is all about slowing down, is a meditation through yoga postures, an opening of the body through passive stretchings. The class consists mainly from lying and sitting asanas, that are designed to help the body and inner organs to deeply stretch, align and balance. We often remain three to five minutes in the same position, during these long holds of rest, your muscles and mind relax deeply.
The feeling from this yoga class is one of surrendering, and letting time guide you.
The Meetup group will meet
every Friday from 13:15- 14:30
starting 1st Feb at
Dock 11 studios
Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin
For further info please contact me through email
Join one class or both like a mini reterat every Friday
Both of the classes are suported by Urban Sport Club
Love and Light