• Membership Re-Opened for a short time Only!
This is a Vibrant High Quality good natured social group for both Men and Women 'OVER 45' who are single, separated, divorced, widowed or dating and interested in meeting up with like minded people to add to their social life and have fun. I have arranged over 120 very successful events since Sept 2017 and enjoyed by hundreds of members. (Check out photos) ! This is not a dating site but a good old fashioned way of socialising. So forget your POFs and meet face to face.. Many couples have met through this and are dating and many great new friendships formed! Personally I have met some wonderful friends both male and female through this group.
These Meet Ups are mostly at weekends and are great fun. Night time events includes meeting for drinks, dancing, watching live music bands, comedy nights etc in well chosen establishments, whilst Day time events include walks, horse racing, rugby, spectator sports events, lunches, dining out etc.
As an experienced Event Organiser I plan these events singlehandedly on a voluntary basis but also to a very high standard.
There is an annual member's payment of €10 per year- This covers from Oct 2018 to Oct 2019 irrespective of what date you join.Please pay this through www.paypal.com to account name Michele.keane@yahoo.ie
OR if you want to join up this Must be paid at your first event attendance. These funds go towards 'MEET UP' site costs and booking venues and deposits required for our events where large numbers are booked at popular weekend venues.
Due to the popularity of this group I have to insist on Members Only attending events. No plus 1s.
Would love to see you come along - You won't regret it.. Ask any member! Michele