Pleasantville Dancing Meetup

Pleasantville, United States
81 Members

***Spring 2018 Update ***

Happy Spring Everyone,

Please note that the next 8 week semester for our REGULAR Let Your Yoga Dance class begins in May  2018.  We'll meet once a week on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Mount Pleasant Community Center in Valhalla, N.Y. with our first class being held on Tuesday, May 1st. This Spring semester will run through Tuesday, June 26th which is our last class. Please note, there will be no class on June 19th. 

The (8) week semester for our NEW Let Your Yoga Dance for Families begins in April 2018. We'll meet once a week on Monday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the same place, Mount Pleasant Community Center in Valhalla, N.Y. with our first class being held on Monday, April 30th. This Late Winter semester will run through Tuesday, July 2nd which is our last class. Please note, there will be no class on May 28th or June 18th. 


***Registration & payment to the Town of Mount Pleasant is required in order to participate***


REGULAR Let Your Yoga Dance 8 Week Semester - $109.00

NEW Let Your Yoga Dance for Families 8 Week Semester - $159.00 (Price includes 1 adult & 1 child)

If you have any questions about the upcoming Late Winter class schedule, please do not hesitate to contact me at 845.803.5737 or at 

You can also visit my Facebook page at

Looking forward to seeing you there!


This is a class for anyone interested in incorporating more joy and fun into their lives through dancing their Yoga through the chakras to music from around the world! Let Your Yoga Dance is for everyone and every BODY.  



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Cinque Terre
Charles Colwell
Cinque Terre
Luis Roman
Cinque Terre
Rose Nascimento
Cinque Terre
Safiya Noel
Cinque Terre
Brandon Klavansky