This is a meet up for anyone interested by learning CUBAN SALSA with Freesalsa Ireland !
The Salsa dance is of Cuban and Afro-Caribbean origin and popular across the world. It's a very social dance that can help you get out and meet new people while doing a great cardio and full body workout. It's also a great way to boost your self confidence.
Come and follow my dynamic and very attractive "french touched "cuban salsa courses.
Classes are all around Dublin : NAAS / TRIM / MAYNOOTH / BLANCHARDSTOWN
Check your level :
Beginners : (You know nothing, come here John !) <br>
Intermediates : (you know basic steps like Dilequeno, Dilequesi/Guapea, Enchufla, your place is here !) <br> <br>
Salsa classes are sought all over the world. Join this awesome community, join the FREESALSA classes ! Check all classes informations on and on facebook.