Watford Conscious Dance / Movement Meditation Meetup

Watford, United Kingdom
370 Members

We love dancing and want to build a community of mindful, heartful, soulful, down-to-earth-full dancers in the Watford area, based on Open Floor Movement Practice. This is dance, but in a way you might not have experienced before... no steps to learn, no way to do it wrong. There are all kinds of music genres and rhythms to dance to, from gentle to lively. You dance on your own and with others. It’s also meditation, in the sense that you are guided to notice what’s happening with your body, mind and emotions. Each class has a theme, instructions and occasional exercises to help you get more out of your movement, as well as giving lots of freedom to ‘just’ dance. And you can have loads of fun too!  Check out this short video to get more of a flavour of what it's about:  Open Floor International

Why dance? 
As well as physical fitness, you develop a keener mind, greater emotional intelligence and a calmer presence. You learn to stay with your experience whether it’s good or bad. To feel your power and make things happen in your world. To be completely comfortable with yourself and others. You become fluid, flexible and free to experience life to the full.

Is this for you?
Everyone is welcome, whatever your experience, body shape, gender, movement ability, age. There’s no one who can’t do this practice! If you like the idea of trying something new in a friendly and supportive environment, being part of a growing community, why not come along and give it a try? We’re in a dance studio with natural light and a sprung floor.  

You're invited to join us afterwards for snacks and socialising in a local cafe.


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Cinque Terre
Katrina Smith
Cinque Terre
Tricia Baker
Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre
Yee Chan
Cinque Terre
Jacques Kana-kana
Cinque Terre
Eko Assa
Cinque Terre
Andreea Aivanoae
Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre
Trevor Howland
Cinque Terre
Vincenzo Clorenzo
Cinque Terre
Silvia Gom
Cinque Terre