Boots Boogie Line Dance (Edmonton and Area) on FB 2

Edmonton, Canada
635 Members

Our lessons consists of ALL experience levels, ALL ages, ALL genders, and ALL genres of music! Everything from the Traditional Country Line Dances to Top 40, old to brand new line dances! No limits to what we do! (SIMPLE, The Fighter, Booze Cruise, Hicktown, Watermelon Crawl, Good Time, Moves Like Jagger, Casanova Cowboy, Fireball, and so much more...) <br>

Please feel free to post line dances you would be interested in learning, line dances you know and wish to review, and/or any line dances you want me to check out!

We also do demos for various groups and have been in an audition for Dragon's Den and have choreographed and stared in a Country Music Video or 2 so we are a very social group!

Currently we have a Practice/Lesson every Thursday running 7:00 through until around 9:00 pm.

Practice starts at 7:00

Beginner Lesson at 7:30,

More Practice, and an

Intermediate Lesson with more Practice to follow!!

Recorded music will be played for social dancing from 9-11.

We have no true set schedule, this is just a template. :-)

I want to know what excites you!!

Hugs Terrylynn <br>


link to video of us....well, we choreographed the line dance and our feet are in it for part of the line dance but we are the people in the whole video as the crowd in the Club.... <br>



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