Want to hip hop to a funky beat...swing your hips to a Latin rhythm...ham it up to Broadway show tunes? In Dance Therapy, you'll fit right in if you love to dance!
Never taken a dance class or learned choreography? No worries. You won't be alone, and you're welcome to modify steps as needed.
Strengthen and tone muscle
Increase endurance + coordination
Improve flexibility + memory
Beginners & experienced dancers welcome! See website for best time to try DT!
Learn more (info, pricing, video, references) at http://dancetherapy.yolasite.com/ . Email us at emaildancetherapy@yahoo.com.
First class is $10 if provide email ($15 if no email).
Class cards available
Drop-in class $20
Dance Therapy
1555 Washington San Leandro, CA
Check website for schedule