
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
232 Members

CubOtto (CO) - The new group!

It is the most generic and exclusive expat group in the region!

It is about, socialising, networking, outdoors, indoors, style, movies, dining, nights and days out, going places and getting together, exploring new experiences and activities, dancing, culture, charity, business, etc. But most important, it is about making friends and meeting new people!

To become a member, please apply by answering all your profile questions!

A clear personal photo is mandatory!

Strict policies will apply;

• Anyone harasses other members by sending messages and soliciting offline meetings or private contacts will be banned from the group, no exceptions!

• Anyone who doesn’t honour their RSVP for more than 2 times, will be removed from the group permanently, no exceptions!

CO reserves the right to refuse membership to anyone or remove any member without the need to disclose the reason/s!

Also please feel free to checkout our other sister groups;

Dubai Elite Club

Arab Network

Please feel free to join us in good faith and respect!

Hope to see you soon!



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Cinque Terre
Kerry Thornton
Cinque Terre
Fayth Boit
Cinque Terre
Nizar Saab