Vancouver Girlfriend Circles - Women's Social (28-38)

Vancouver, Canada
1364 Members

Having a hard time meeting new friends in this huge city of ours? Have you always wanted a core group of friends to call "your girls?"

Here is my story. I recently moved back to Vancouver and realized, it is difficult to make new friends, especially like-minded girlfriends. So I joined a few meet up groups, hoping to branch out and meet new people. I had the opportunity to meet many wonderful people but didn't make any REAL friends. So, I created a new group, in the hope of providing space for ladies, like myself, to make new friends and explore fun events together. 

There will be various events such as dinning, wine tasting, dancing, going to concerts & movies, exercising, hiking, snow-shoeing, road-tripping and so on! Also, I would like to organize a few fun weekend trips to Seattle, Vancouver Island, Whistler, Vegas, Mexico, and so on. 

I welcome other organizers and hosts to help me create more fabulous events. If you are interested, please let me know via email and describe the type of event(s) you would like to coordinate. To become an event host, you must attend three or more Vancouver gf Circles events.

So don’t be shy and join the group. It is time to have fun with your girlfriends!

Much Love xx

Vancouver Girlfriend Circles Policies:

1. Your Profile:
Please use your real first name on your profile, and post a picture of yourself so that we can recognize you at our events. We are also interested in hearing a bit about you so be sure to let us know who you are by filling in your profile. 

2. Age Restriction: Unfortunately due to high demands, members between the ages of 28-38 are accepted into this Meet Up.

3. Attendance: If you RVSP "Yes," then please make sure that you show up. If you are no longer able to attend, please change your RSVP well in advance of the event (2hrs prior to the event) so that other girls on the wait-list have enough time to join us last minute. If you anticipate a conflict or being late, give us a heads up via msg/text/call. We understand that things come up and life interferes, but please do your best. 

Any member who cancels last minute or does not show for the 2nd time, will be removed from the group without any notice. 

4. Monthly Fee: Once per month, $2.50-5.00 is required to reserve your spot. It is non-refundable and this money will go toward monthly payment to run this group (yes, organizers pay each month). 

5. Membership: Please note, inactive members, more than 12 months, will be deleted automatically. Vancouver Girlfriend Circles encourages members to participate in meetings. We are all here to make new friends and we expect everyone to come out and participate. Once your membership has been terminated, you may reapply to become a member again. You can also dispute your membership-cancellation if you can provide reasonable validation (eg. away for work, personal/health related issues etc). Please contact your organizer.  


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