So, you want to learn how to do something new. You've been curious about trying guitar, swing dancing, or the art of making the best tea possible. Or maybe all of those things at once! But then you’re like “I'll do it when I have the time,” or “Where can I learn without overcommitting or feeling judged?”
Or you already know how to do something (like juggle while riding a unicorn… which is freaking awesome!), and you want to share the joy of your craft, but you don't know where to find pupils for that class.
Local Learners is your personal connection to learn or teach the lessons you want, without the pressure of a traditional classroom. From a basic skill to something unique that you never thought you'd see in Indianapolis. If you can think it up, we can deliver the learning experience.
Local business owners, this is a great public service opportunity, and an introductory class can be a great way to bring in new clients. Contact Hai or Jared to get involved today.
With the exception of the occasional “Drunk Teaching” nights (21+ is the law) we’re open to anyone who wants to learn.
NOTE: We are not ready to launch yet. We're still in the process of creating a complementary site to request lessons and create classes.