Moving, Dancing and Breathing for Meditation, I-OM Circle

San Francisco, United States
552 Members

Moving Laughing and Dancing Circle for Meditation -awakening in ``Spirit`` as ``Spirit``

This Circle was created with the aim to support our awakening and healing process and spiritual practices .
This Circle is a community of loving, caring people who love truth, beauty and goodness. The Circle provides a safe, loving and empowering space for awakening to unfold in all types of people; in their body, mind and spirit through various tools of movement, dance and meditation. Our practices comes from age-old wisdom tradition (especially Yoga)  as well as from modern sages, teachers and holders of Integral visions.

Besides different classes, workshops and activities the Circle gathers once a week in order to practice various dances and movements along with sitting meditation and dialogue.
Dance and movement are very powerful tools for spiritual practice.  They help us to awaken and unfold subtle forces (prana) and the energy of life. These movements and dances can be practiced by anybody, no formal training in dance or any kind of movement is required.

We sincerely invite you to come and explore our community of authentic practitioners, who are seekers of truth, beauty and goodness in this eternally evolving mysterious Universe.

Human beings are designed for movement.  It is as natural as breathing.  Like breathing, movement and dance helps us to balance, heal, awaken and energize.  People have been dancing and moving as part of sacred spiritual practices for a long time throughout the World.  Modern science has shown that dance connects and balances the left and right hemisphere of our brain as well.

This Circle explores dances and movements from wisdom traditions of the World. These dances and movements for meditation combine breathing and gentle flowing movements to create a joyful ground for meditation.  It allows one to draw prana and energy from the Earth as well as from the Sky, not only enhancing our physical and mental wellness but also helping us to remain alert and awake for longer periods of time.
This two and half hour long Circle starts with sitting meditation and moves to dance and movement flowing with the breath and music, back to sitting meditation and ends with dialogue and discussion.

Benefit of Movements, Laugh and Dance:

Physical Benefits:
-Connecting to body and breath
-Releasing tension and tightness in the body.
-Better circulation
-Deeper breathing
-Access to the energy body, a catalyst for other types of healing work

Emotional/Mental benefits
-Calms the mind
-Joy and love
-Celebrating self and other
-Capacity to feel and express emotions

Spiritual Benefits
-developing awareness and equanimity
-unfolding the witnessing self
-sense of oneness and connection with web of life
-connection with deeper meaning of life
-expanding boundary from I, to  We to Us to all of Us
-an aid to sitting meditation
-sense of easiness and comfort with oneself
-communion with I-Am (Spirit)
-access to energy body

This Circle is facilitated by Briksha Mahendra

Facilitator Bios


mediation retreat and workshop in Osho center and other yoga/meditation center  in India/ Nepal as well as in  US. He loves dancing and  movements. He has been wiBriksha Mahendra combines Integral Insights, Hindu Yogic practices, and Buddhist wisdom in his teaching. He is a Certified Integral Coach, Stress Specialist and Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner, as well as a Raw Vegan Chef and Healthy Lifestyle Educator. He has been teaching Yoga, guided meditation, and stress-free, healthy lifestyle classes since 2005. He is a longtime Vipassana meditation practitioner and has done several long silent retreats up to 30 days. He is a graduate of the Yoga Teacher Training program at Yoga Research Center, Bangalore (Vivekananda Yoga Research Center), and 100 hrs of teacher training in Bhakti flow and holds a certificate in Integral Yoga from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Briksha has done some moving th biodanza community of Sf ( and has been dancing and celelebrating life through bio-dance for 11 years. He has done some workshop and classes on  5 rythms  dance.By using various tools and techniques of Integral Yoga, meditation and breathowrk and coaching, he creates a powerful environment to explore the journey of this mysterious Human Body, finding everything there, as it is said in an Asian proverb: 'What you can


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