Vancouver Paint Dancing -
Vancouver, Canada274 Members
Paint Dancing is a new venue created solely for the purpose of openly expressing yourself for fun in 2 different mediums - AT ONCE! That's Right! PAINTING and DANCING (at the same time) in various locations around the Vancouver area while helping support your local food banks.
Watch some of our crazy Paint Dancing videos on YouTube!
We will supply non-toxic paint, brushed and paper! All you need is your paint clothes (and shoes) and you are ready to try PAINT DANCING! Take home your Paint Dancing masterpieces! is a safe, supportive and fun environment to express yourself. The best news is; you don't need to know how to paint or dance to participate! Paint Dancing supports local organizations that help end the threat of hunger, regionally and around the world.
Matt Jones
________________ is a grassroots organization founded by Matt Jones of Gasworks Gallery, in Seattle. Please visit our website for details on events around the world: