This is not a dating site but accidents do happen.
This is a group that anyone can join. It intends to bring people/friends together for great socializing events. So if you are living in or close to Dublin and you would like to go to fun events where people/friends socialize, this may be a good group for you.
The organizer will often setup events but any member can also setup events too. Just use the 'suggest' option to enter the details of your event. If 3 members or more RSVP to an event it then becomes a valid meetup event. This is great for organizing events such as birthday parties, group meals, nights out at your favorite bar, group visits to the cinema and getting a group together to go and see a gig.
A list of the events currently available
Monday Comedy followed by Monday after party - good clean fun (starts late and ends in the early hours)
Thursday social - drink, chat socialise (after work / evening) chill and chat Saturday - Occasional drinks and dancing specials/parties.
Thursday Social
Saturday Drinks and Dancing night out (2nd and 4th Saturday of the month) Allways free to EDDD card holders -
Annual Parties
Spring, Summer, Autum, Halloween, Christmas and New Year
Thanks for being part of this group.
Kind Regards,
Keeping You Informed
Join our Facebook Group:
Follow us on twitter:
Members ID and Discount Cards are now available
Receive an SMS/text when we are out - I often send out a group text to say where we will be on for an event or if I am out and anyone wants to join me/us for a drink/chat. If you would like to be on this list please send an SMS to 0870 200205 with your full name and "Text Me Please"